Many people deal with financial issues at one point in their life or another. However, when you are part of a couple and financial issues hit, the stress can wreak havoc on your relationship.
Financial issues are the number one reason peoples cite as to why their marriage broke down. The stress and strain of dealing with money problems can creep into all aspects of a couple’s marriage and erode the bond between the couple. However, there are steps a couple can take to help you deal with these issues in a healthy way in order to resolve them. Calling a couples therapist can help you avoid calling a divorce attorney down the road.
How Common Are Money Fights in Relationships?
Study after study, survey after survey shows that money is one of the top issues couples fight about. To get some insight in just how prevalent this issue is, take a look at the results of one major survey and how couples responded:
· Money is the most stressful part of the relationship: 49 percent
· Wished their spouse would save money: 64 percent
· Have hidden purchases from their spouse: 31 percent
· Honesty regarding finances more important than honesty about infidelity: 32 percent
So, how can couples deal with the stress and strain of financial problems and avoid damaging their marriage? Communication is critical when dealing with money stress. Not only is it important to share with your partner the stress and fears the issues you may be having, but you also need to work together to improve the situation. This includes talking with each other about what your financial goals are, too. It is crucial to be on the same financial page as your spouse, otherwise, you may only end up working against each other instead of with each other.
When you and your spouse are discussing finances, you both also need to remain calm. Yelling at each other will not solve anything. Both spouses need to let the other speak without interrupting, criticizing, getting angry, or trying to control the situation. At this stage, many couples find that working with a couples counselor can help with communication issues and help to rebuild trust between you and your spouse.
Working with a therapist and learning how to communicate can help the two of you decide on your goals and come up with a plan to achieve them. The first step is to come up with a household budget that will reduce expenses, limit spending, and limit the amount of extra money you have each month.
In order to be successful with this budget, it is necessary to address all the debt you have, no matter how difficult it may be for each spouse to be honest with the other. If either spouse has been hiding debt from the other, now is the time to be completely honest. Your therapist can help you both work through whatever feelings these hidden debts may bring out.
Call an Office
If you and your spouse are struggling through financial problems and your marriage is being destroyed in the process, call a counseling clinic to find out how couples counseling in Palatine, IL can help.
Thanks to Lotus Wellness Center for their insight into counseling and money problems in marriage.